LAHORE: Pakistan Jamaat-e-Islami (JI) Senator Sirajul Haq has said that the government was helpless against terrorists and the masses would have to take necessary measures for their own security.
Talking to the media at Mansoora on Friday, he further said that every Pakistani would have to make his contribution in defeating terrorism.
Siraj termed the attack at Lal Shahbaz Qalandar shrine as an attack on Pakistan and Muslims. He said the Aulia were the symbol of love and brotherhood and had revolutionised the lives of thousands of people.
However, he said that the enemy was deaf, dumb and blind and was killing innocent men, women and children and targeting mosques, shrines as well as public places.
He said that the terrorists had carried out blasts in all the provinces within two days to prove that the government was not capable of stopping any terrorist activities due to which they are failing to extinguish the fire of terrorism.
The JI chief said that if the government felt that the revival of the military courts could be helpful in controlling militancy, it should take the political parties in confidence but there should be no ‘One Wheeling’.
Addressing the Friday congregation at Mansoora, he said that the National Action Plan (NAP) was not aimed at targeting the mosques or madrissahs, and added that the government had actually provided relief to terrorists by diverting the NAP towards religious forces and narrowing its objective.
He urged the security agencies to ensure the security of the common man like that of the VIPs. As long as the government and its agencies did not give due importance to the life and property of the citizens, the masses would continue to become targets of terrorism, he said.
The JI chief said that Indian Prime Minister Modi was repeatedly threatening to destroy this country but the Pakistan government was treating RAW agent, KalBhoshan, as state guest.